Tag Archives: breakfast for dinner

Breakfast for Dinner and Other Drunken Adventures

So, my godfather invited us to the (re-)opening of his restaurant, Breakfast at Antonio’s, which is an all day breakfast type place. We were supposed to be there at around 4PM, but ended up leaving our house late and running into traffic and basically ending up there at around 7PM. When I saw the menu I was pretty much torn between getting breakfast food or getting the lunch-y/dinner-y food they had cause I was so hungry and I didn’t think pancakes would’ve cut it. I decided to get the MOST AMAZING omelette EVER, it was a 3 egg omelette with bacon, mushrooms and cheese with a side of hash browns and a panini. While I was too hungry to take a picture of my food, my sister got this:


pancakes & sausages with a side of cinnamon covered banana & pineapple

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